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As a parent, it can be difficult to navigate how to talk about certain things with your kids. These books are intended to serve as a way to educate & communicate with children about difficult topics. The goal of these books is to foster children’s understanding of difficult topics, healthy family communication, and appropriate and effective coping strategies. These books seek to normalize the human condition and create more empathy in our world.  

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Geneticist. Bioethicist. Author.

Dr. Kelsey M. Finn is a geneticist, bioethicist, and empathy enthusiast. She received her PhD in Human Genetics from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and completed her postdoctoral training in Bioethics at Mayo Clinic.

Dr. Finn has devoted a large part of her career to researching whether, when, and how to communicate about genetic conditions and health information with children. She has interviewed countless parents, kids, and health providers to learn from their experiences and perspectives on how best to communicate with kids.

Dr. Finn is passionate about normalizing and embracing the uniqueness and diversity of the human condition, and helping parents, family members, teachers, and health providers navigate talking with kids about difficult topics.

Kelsey lives, works, and writes from Minnesota, where she lives with her husband, Ryan. She loves to run, road bike, craft, cook, and travel in her free time.

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About the Illustrator

Francesca Mendenhall is a recent graduate of Syracuse University with a major in Anthropology & a minor in Psychology. She is an artist who loves to create illustrations that raise awareness in support of mental and physical health. Francesca brings the Beautifully Unique book series to life with her creativity and artistic talents. She is incredibly kind, hard-working, thoughtful, communicative, and talented.